Guillermo: And allow me to add one thing – because of all those projects, there is one that is to me – in a way I it may not be as complex and as monumental at first sight as The Hobbit, but is ‘At The Mountains of Madness’. And that movie I have kept alive for many, many years and I want to keep it alive to do as soon as I can. Right now I am fortunate that most of my projects rest at the same place, and that is Universal, including Saturn and the End of Days. So I want to send a message out that, that that movie is alive and well and that there’s a lot of research and development that has to be done to create the creatures in that movie, and the City. Some artists and key technicians have been working on for now years, and will continue to work through the production and post production of The Hobbit. Scrutinized by me, but they have their own set of logarithms and chemical materials to solve before we can create those creatures properly. So that movie is not dead – it’s not instated, it continues to evolvewith Te Hobbit. And it is my belief that a lot of the stuff we’re going to develop in terms of digital and make-up tools for The Hobbit will be used for that.
I personally find Del Toro's movies to be very high on detail and crafty workmanship.
I'd be very skeptical at the idea of a film adaptation of a Lovecraft piece in almost every other instance (besides the fan movies), but I actually look forward to this. It is clear that the good director is a fan, I'd say, from his use of Lovecraft-redolent elements in other films. And the combination of ACTUAL FAN, SKILLED MOVIE-SMITH and SUBSTANTIAL FUNDING AND RESOURCES sounds very promising to me.
I could be wrong of course. But I am excited to see what he comes up with.