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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:52 pm
by JJ Burke
ok, keep me posted! and you can go over to the site and make yourself a forum account. jp too, and anyone else who wants to pitch in.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:27 am
by NickolausPacione
JJ -- here's the site -- they publish for free but if you want print copies you have to mark them up if you want to make a royality. The royalities for the Tabloid Purposes anthologies go right to the upkeep of the small press. The money made from my collection of works go right to me.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:28 am
by JJ Burke
good tip about lulu.. it might come in handy somewhere down the road. our first objective is to gather a nice bunch of stories and artwork to be presented as an online volume.

also important — and this is bound to slash the number of pro-quality contributors — i want fantastic horror to be as non-commercial as possible. we seek to amass an audience, not a fortune. to prove my dedication to this silly altruism, i'm going to finalize my 'chaparral heights' 3-parter and put it up there, effectively squishing my chances of ever making a buck on it.

but listen, the finished product will pass for professional, and that's worth something even if i don't cut you a fat check for your trouble. you can always send people to see what you contributed to fantastic horror, and you'll maybe score a couple of points with the baby jesus for sharing the fruits your talent with the penniless dregs of society.

if money is the measure of the worth of your while, this ain't the gig for you. submitting your work to fantastic horror is like nursing an injured creature to health and then setting it free in a quiet corner of the woods.
where will it go?
how will it live?
will i ever see it again?
damn, maybe i should have eaten that thing!

these are the philosophical quandaries prodding the great experiment of fantastic horror.

can't everyone see how great it could be?
come on, people now,
smile on your brother,
everybody get together,
try t:cthulhu1:

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:18 am
by NickolausPacione
Thanx man -- I've worked with lulu now for three years. I put out some damn good anthologies with them despite wishing more sales came out of it. I would like to use the proceeds of the Tabloid Purposes series to put small press books in the school system. The reason I want to include some public domain stories in the mix is for students to get to know authors they wouldn't normally know about.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:01 pm
by Rodr-Evil
Nice idea man! I have poems and things but all in spanish..

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:32 pm
by JJ Burke
NickolausPacione wrote:I would like to use the proceeds of the Tabloid Purposes series to put small press books in the school system. The reason I want to include some public domain stories in the mix is for students to get to know authors they wouldn't normally know about.
that would be a great thing to do. i was a public school kid, and the things they made us read in class never made me want to write anything. you should see my old stack of cliffs notes for all the novels i couldn't get through in time for the big quiz. if somebody ever came to my 'language arts' class and talked about contemporary short fiction, or handed out a bunch of short stories for us to read if we were interested, i think i would have liked school much more than i did.
Rodr-Evil wrote:Nice idea man! I have poems and things but all in spanish..
when contributing to fantastic horror, a language barrier can be overcome.. horror is a sentience thing, not an english thing!

if you can add some english translations, or at least a few words in english to describe each submission, i would be happy to include material in other languages.

and you don't necessarily have to do the translating. we can give credit to a more skilled translator if that's what it takes.

¡Piénselo encima!
Think it over!

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:41 pm
by Jesus Prime
In case you haven't noticed, announcemented.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:53 pm
by JJ Burke
right, thanks for that

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:55 pm
by Jesus Prime
Not a worry. Now pay me my tithes!

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:02 pm
by JJ Burke

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:14 pm
by Jesus Prime
Fair dues.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:52 pm
by JJ Burke
thinking a little more about the educational value of fantastic horror.. e.a., you teach english. what do you think would be involved in getting some material from folks like us into the hands of students? do you think it would be well-received, or is it a minefield of parental permission and stuff like that

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:00 pm
by NickolausPacione
Use the anthologies in an educational setting meaning get a couple stories released in the public domain plus the contemporary counterparts in the small press.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:33 pm
by JJ Burke
how about creative commons licensing? that might be as good as public domain, for this purpose..

anyway i thought e.a. could provide some special insight, being a school faculty type. i'm imagining various red-tape barriers that might come into play, but i don't really know

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:00 pm
by E.A. Lovecraft
I have no idea what you're thinking of, but I will say this: the teacher must be ready and able to justify the selection of any reading assignments to parents, administrators, community members, peers, and even students. More often than not, potentially problematic material will be ignored.