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Cosmic horror on the big screen!

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:54 pm
by Pickman
Hello everyone,

For those of you who might be interested...

The 11th annual H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival ( is less than two weeks away! The event (which is held in Portland, Oregon) is a great way to see some old favorites on the big screen (Dan O'Bannon's "The Resurrected" and "Dead & Buried" are playing this year), and catch some hard to find short films as well (Edward Martin's "Innsmouth Legacy" and Rick Tillman's "The Summoning" among others). There are usually some other great goings on as well...

Oh, and if you see a goofy looking guy wearing an t-shirt, please stop him and say hi! :cthulhu2:

Take care,

H.P. Lovecraft Cinema

"It is not likely that any really finely wrought weird story - where so much depends upon mood, and on nuances of description - could be changed to a drama without irreparable cheapening and the loss of all that gave it power."

- H.P. Lovecraft

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:52 pm
by Pickman
September 28: H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival poised to strike!


September 27, 2004

Portland's Lurker Films announces that this weekend (October 1-3, 2004), the 11th annual H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival will awaken at the Hollywood Theater in Portland, Oregon, releasing terror upon the Earth in a variety of forms.

Some of the forms include

* Five feature films:
* The Resurrected
* Dead & Buried
* The Crimson Cult
* The Last Wave
* Quatermass 2

* Many short films!
* Live Musical Guests!
* Vendors!
* Drawings and prizes!

The festival, a celebration of cinema based on, inspired by, or otherwise loosely affiliated with seminal Gothic horror writer H. P. Lovecraft, draws hundreds of attendees from as far away as Portland, ME; Los Angeles, CA; and Canada.

Lurker Films, Inc. (formerly Beyond Books) was founded in 1995 by Andrew Migliore to munch popcorn where cultists fear to tread, producing DVDs, Videos, and Audio CDs of the famous, infamous and just plain obscure films and television shows that have been directly or indirectly inspired by Lovecraft's work.

For more information, contact
Andrew Migliore

The 2004 H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival web site:

(Thanks to Andrew Migliore)